Discover top Upstream companies with our trusted, regularly updated database of over 60 million companies, used by thousands of industry professionals. Gain key insights with direct emails, phone numbers, revenue details, organizational charts, intent signals, and growth trends for top companies like Chesapeake Energy, Exterran, and Anadarko Petroleum Corporation. Join now and start exploring 293 Upstream company profiles today for free.

Chesapeake Energy

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services


Electricity & Energy

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services


Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL)

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Wood Mackenzie

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Oil Search Limited

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Woodside Energy

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

EQT Corporation

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Murphy Oil Corporation

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Medco E&P Indonesia

Electricity & Energy

Neptune Energy

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services


Oil & Gas Exploration & Services


Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Rompetrol (KMG International)

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Beach Energy Ltd

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Talos Energy

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Kosmos Energy

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services

Sapura Energy Berhad

Oil & Gas Exploration & Services