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United States Steel Corporation

Metals & Mining - General


Metals & Mining - General

North American Stainless

Metals & Mining - General

Companhia Siderúrgica do Pecém - CSP

Metals & Mining - General


Metals & Mining - General

Century Aluminum

Metals & Mining - General

Hyundai Steel

Metals & Mining - General

Glencore Australia

Metals & Mining - General

Shadeed Iron & Steel LLC

Metals & Mining - General


Chemical Products

Baosteel Group Co.

Mechanical or Industrial Engineering

BCL Limited

Metals & Mining - General

Canadian Royalties inc.

Metals & Mining - General

PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals

Metals & Mining - General

TATA Tinplate

Metals & Mining - General


Metals & Mining - General


Metals & Mining - General

The Doe Run Company

Metals & Mining - General


Metals & Mining - General

Maanshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.

Metals & Mining - General