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The European Stu­dent Think Tank (EST) was foun­ded in 2010 to serve as a plat­form to inform stu­dents about and involve them in the EU policy-making pro­cess. It is based on the belief that stu­dents can mean­ing­fully con­trib­ute to this pro­cess by apply­ing their aca­demic skills and know­ledge. The import­ance of this vis­ion was recog­nized when the EST was awar­ded the Char­le­magne Youth Prize by The Neth­er­lands in 2011. Through its web­site, events, and its net­work in the European Union’s (can­did­ate) mem­ber states, the EST provides stu­dents with a plat­form for their ideas and ques­tions. We are a non-partisan, non-profit, and non-governmental organ­iz­a­tion (NGO) that aims to incor­por­ate as many stu­dents, dis­cip­lines, and view­points as possible. What we do: We execute our mis­sion of encour­aging act­ive par­ti­cip­a­tion of stu­dents in the EU’s policy pro­cess in three ways: - Pub­lic­a­tions: We pub­lish blogs, art­icles and aca­demic papers on EU-related issues. - Events: We host lec­tures as well as policy-generating events in which we bring together stu­dents, schol­ars, and poli­cy­makers to debate European policy. - Net­work: We bring together stu­dents with sim­ilar interests and forge per­sonal relations. As a young organ­iz­a­tion, the EST is con­stantly evolving and expand­ing – in the future, we hope to expand the scope of our activ­it­ies to include, for instance, the organ­iz­a­tion of con­fer­ences and col­lab­or­a­tion with pro­fes­sional think tanks. Linktree:

View Top Employees from European Student Think Tank
Employees 134 (62 on RocketReach)
Founded 2010
Address Belgium, Brussels, Brussels, BE
Industry Think Tanks

European Student Think Tank Questions

Ana Cabral is the Head of the International Office of European Student Think Tank.

62 people are employed at European Student Think Tank.

European Student Think Tank is based in Brussels, Brussels.

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