Miscellaneous Retail Stores, Not Elsewhere Classified
Get all 512 companies with SIC code 5999

Establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of specialized lines of merchandise, not elsewhere classified, such as artists'supplies; orthopedic and artificial limbs; rubber stamps; pets; religious goods; and monuments and tombstones. This industry also includes establishments primarily engaged in selling a general line of their own or consigned merchandise at retail on an auction basis. Establishments primarily engaged in auctioning tangible personal property of others on a contract or fee basis are classified in Services, Industry 7389.

Shaklee Corporation

Health Wellness & Fitness


Retail - General


Retail - General




Information Services

Crutchfield Corporation

Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail

Mud Bay

Retail - General

Ann Summers

Retail - General

Pets United LLC

Retail - General

Homes Alive Pets

Retail - General

Pet Lovers Centre Singapore

Retail - General

Pet Pros

Retail - General

PetSmart Inc

Pet Products


Retail - General


Veterinary Care

Walkin' Pets

Veterinary Care


Internet & Digital Media

Healthy Pet Products

Retail - General