Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessory Stores
Get all companies with SIC code 5699

Establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of specialized lines of apparel and accessories, not elsewhere classified, such as uniforms, bathing suits, raincoats, riding apparel, sports apparel, umbrellas, wigs, and toupees. This industry also includes custom tailors primarily engaged in making and selling men's and women's clothing, except fur apparel. Establishments primarily engaged in making fur apparel to custom order are classified in Industry 5632.

Global Fashion Group

Internet & Digital Media


Internet & Digital Media

Hermes of Paris Inc.

Apparel & Accessories Retail

Hermes GB Ltd

Apparel & Accessories Retail

Hermes International SCA

Textiles, Fashion, & Apparel

Fashion Pride Canada Inc

Apparel & Accessories Retail