Food Preparations, Not Elsewhere Classified
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Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing prepared foods and miscellaneous food specialties, not elsewhere classified, such as baking powder, yeast, and other leavening compounds; peanut butter; packaged tea, including instant; ground spices; and vinegar and cider. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing dry preparations, except flour mixes, consisting of pasta, rice, potatoes, textured vegetable protein, and similar products which are packaged with other ingredients to be prepared and cooked by the consumer. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing flour mixes are classified in Industry Group 204.

The Kraft Heinz Company

Food & Beverages


Food Service


Food Service

Perfetti Van Melle

Food & Beverages


Food Service

Shamrock Foods Company

Food & Beverages


Food & Beverages

Pukka Herbs

Food & Beverages


Food Service

Fresh Prep

Food & Beverages


Retail - General


Food Service