Poultry and Eggs, Not Elsewhere Classified
Get all 359 companies with SIC code 0259

Establishments primarily engaged in the production of poultry and eggs, not elsewhere classified. This industry also includes establishments deriving 50 percent or more of their total value of sales of agricultural products from poultry and eggs (Industry Group 025), but less than 50 percent from products of any single industry.


Research - General

Isigny Sainte Mère

Food Service

Farmer Focus

Food Service

Groupe Grimaud

Food Service

Chick Master

Industrial Machinery Equipment & Automation

Gerber Poultry Inc.

Food Service


Management Consulting

Glenrath Farms .

Information Services

Cobb Europe

Farming Animals & Livestock

Manchester Farms

Food Service


Farming Animals & Livestock

Langmead Group

Food Service

Swillington Organic Farm Ltd

Farming Animals & Livestock

Bettws Hall

Leisure & Hospitality - General