Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations
Get all 186,243 companies with NAICS code 813

Industries in the Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations subsector group establishments that organize and promote religious activities; support various causes through grantmaking; advocate various social and political causes; and promote and defend the interests of their members.


Internet & Digital Media

Stanford University

Higher Education


Oil & Gas Exploration & Services


Telecommunications - General

New York University

Higher Education

World Food Programme

Non-Profit & Charitable Organizations & Foundations

University of North Texas

Higher Education


Financial Services

Southern Company


Virginia Tech

Higher Education

Baylor College of Medicine

Higher Education

Sparrow Health System

Hospitals & Healthcare

Frisco ISD

K-12 Schools

Oklahoma State University

Higher Education

Novant Health

Hospitals & Healthcare


Semiconductor & Semiconductor Equipment

International Monetary Fund

Import & Export & Trade